domingo, 27 de mayo de 2012

Imprimir documentos de Word con o sin Comentario adheridos

Al ejecutar la opción “vista preliminar”, podemos ver que:
-          Cuando los comentarios se encuentran  ocultos, el documento sería impreso como un documento común, como los que estamos acostumbrados normalmente.
-          Cuando los comentarios se encuentran visibles el documento se imprimirá con una parte sombreada sobre el margen derecho del documento donde se desplegaran los comentarios adheridos.
 C 19: Imprimir  documento con los comentarios adheridos
  Debemos realizar los siguientes pasos:
1.       Vamos al botón Office donde hacemos clic
2.       En Office nos situamos  en opción Imprimir, donde se desplegar opciones y hacemos clic en opción Imprimir.
3.       Nos abrirá un cuadro de información donde deberemos modificar en su parte inferior a la izquierda, en el cuadrito de Imprimir, desplegamos las opciones y seleccionamos “Documento con Marcas”.

C 20: Para imprimir un documento sin sus comentarios, debemos realizar los siguientes pasos:
1.       Vamos al botón de Office donde hacemos clic.
2.       Nos situamos en la opción imprimir, donde se nos desplegaran opciones y tendremos que hacer clic en la opción imprimir.
3.       Nos abrirá un cuadro de información donde en la parte inferior a la izquierda debemos modificar el cuadrito donde dice Imprimir, desplegamos las opciones y seleccionamos la opción Documento.

De estas maneras podemos imprimir documentos con o sin comentarios.
Fuentes Utilizadas: Conocimientos dados en clase.
Saluda Romina Vicente

4 comentarios:

  1. gracias por la ayuda me ha servido de mucho

  2. Gracias Romina, me ayudaste mucho¡¡

  3. DECEMBER 2018
    Good morning, this is a message for THE SUPREM COURT FROM JUSTICE OF THE UNITED STATES FROM AMERICA, this is to ask for please, if it is possible, that through a legal power, to ask to REMOVE, all those electronic pages, those which THEY open it, above our work we are doing or investigating, because those are not the pages that we opened, ever those pages are opening themselves and are truly undesirable, MICROSOFT allow them, to be open because Microsoft sell them as ads, with ad sales scheduling every minute, those Microsoft, Electronic pages, with ads, ever open a lot, first ever before we ask for are ones, that is crazy, because we are the owners of our computer equipment, and MICROSOFT they don’t, we have the right to choose, TO SEE WHAT WE CHOOSE, the SUING it is, because any young people and adults, are going plus staying Crazy with schizophrenia, because they can't control the MICROSFT UNDER PROGRAM, they Microsoft every minute by shutting down the electronic pages, when they're working with the Internet, doing research work, doing homework for college or investigating, those from Microsoft are dirty Ambitious p---ersons, I want to ask for the Supreme Court of Justice, that if they can ask for a psychiatric examination of the mind to the Microsoft engineers, to know if they are not crazy, to send them automatically to a mental hospital, because They earn trillions very happy, without any federal or psychiatric supervision, the computer equipment cannot be controlled, with the programming of they, and we want something more serious, and without so much of programming, MICROSOFT sell millions of computer equipment, sell Internet, and sell many ads, that cannot be, Microsoft become very billionaires, destroying intelligence instead of helping, MICROSOFT must pay the SUING demands of money against they, because it is a lot of trouble for people, watching, alone ads (rider) on every page, every minute, Selling so much junk ads, many of those ads sell fake products, advertise, you buy and pay with bank cards and, after you paid, those are fake products, that never arrive, and it is very sure that MICROSOSFT should pay for those fake ads, MICROSOFT must to sell quality for the public, MUST BE THE SUING DEMAND, those fake Ads are a crime against the freedom of the people the public, the ads, they are leaving mentally ill, crazy to so many people, and we want to make a legal SUING lawsuit to compensate for so many people who waste their time, money, and work, this is a SUING lawsuit against Microsoft, for they please no longer put it ads, against the wishes of the public, we want to ask the Supreme Court of Justice, that unelected ads are illegal, that they for please allow the people to look for the ads, they want to search , and buy key by key, thank you.
